Tuition & Fees

Annual Tuition & Fees

2025-2026 School Year

Application Fee:


$250 ·      Due upon application, payment by cheque or via EMT.
Annual Tuition

-Domestic Student

$21,000 ·      Lump-sum payment or

·      Installment payment

Annual Tuition:

-International Student

$26,000 ·      Full payment is due and payable by June 20, 2025.
After School Care:

General Supervision

$1500 ·      Lump-sum payment or

·      Pay by financial term (September & January)

After School Specialty Programs: Cost varies ·      Lump-sum payment or

·      Pay by financial term (September & January)

Lunch Fees: $8.5 per meal ·      Lump-sum payment or

·      By term via pre-authorized debit payment

School Activity Fees Included in tuition

Chaoyin Bilingual School requires all tuition payments to be made by cheque, bank draft, or pre-authorized debit. Cash payments will not be accepted.

  • The registration fees/deposits are non-refundable.
  • A 3% monthly interest charge will be applied to all overdue balances.

As the school’s budget is established based on enrollment numbers prior to the start of the academic year, financial commitments are made in advance for staffing, facilities, instructional materials, and operational expenses. For this reason, the registration fees/deposits are non-refundable.

For further details regarding payment methods, please refer to your Letter of Acceptance (LOA) or Letter of Re-enrollment (LOR) issued by the Admissions Office.

Tuition Fee Payment Options for Domestic Students

  • Lump-sum Payment
Fees Amount Payment Dates
Non-refundable registration fee (deposit) $3,000.00 Due and payable by April 1, 2025.
Balance payment $18,000.00 Due and payable by June 20, 2025.
Total $21,000.00
  • Installment Payment (including a bank administrative fee) *
Fees Amount Payment Dates
Non-refundable registration fee (deposit) $3,000.00 Due and payable by April 1, 2025.
Monthly payment $1,800.00 September 1, 2025 to June 1, 2026

The completed PAD form must be emailed to by June 20, 2025.


Bank administrative fee

Total $21,500.00
  • *Installment payment requires pre-authorized debit tied to a Canadian bank account.
  • The pre-authorization form will be available upon request.
  • Early Payment: Parents who have chosen the 10-month installment plan for tuition payments may choose to pay the remaining balance in full at any time. In such cases, the school will only charge one additional administrative fee of $50 at the time of full payment, instead of continuing the monthly administrative fees.

Chaoyin Bilingual School Refund Policy

In accordance with Section 8 of the INDEPENDENT SCHOOL REGULATION [en. B.C. Reg. 260/93 ; am BC Reg 172/12, effective June 25/12 ; en BC Reg 221/16, effective Sept 20/16], Chaoyin Bilingual School has posted a bond, completed by an auditor qualified under Section 205 of the Business Corporations Act, as a financial guarantee for tuition paid by families for an educational program. As with all schools that specialize in international education, Chaoyin Bilingual School, has posted an irrevocable bond with the Ministry of Education that may be used to refund tuition fees in the eventuality of school closure.

The School Refund Policy is shown here.